Monday 22nd October 2018
Location: The Kalkee Road Children’s and Community Hub, 28 Horsham-Kalkee Road, Horsham, Victoria
Celebrate Children’s Week in Horsham! Throughout the morning there will be a range of activities and events for children aged 0-6 and their parents and carers. Come and go as you please!
8.15am – Pre-kinder activity: Make a fruit kebab!
9.00am – Craft, facepainting, bubbles and activities
10.00am – The Comedy Magic Show with Dazzling Dan the Magic Man
10.45am – Morning Tea
11.30am – Story time
12.00pm – Finish
Please RSVP on the HRCC Playgroups Facebook Page or text Ali on 0427 532 856, to ensure there is enough food for everyone.
This Children’s Week event is presented by Horsham Rural City Council in partnership with the Department of Education and Training