Dazzling Dan the Magic Man holds full Public Liability Insurance and the Victorian Working With Children Licence.
Performances can be on stage, indoors or under a tree, to any number of people. While a stage of some sort is preferred, cover from heavy wind and rain is essential. A minimal 2-metre x 1-metre performance area is required.
The length of Dan’s visit can vary in relation to the type of performance. For prices and show duration accurate to your needs, please click on the “Contact Dan” button in the footer.
Bookings receive an email/letter of confirmation, confirming all details and total fee. A Tax Invoice can be provided before or on the day of performance. ABN: 47 905 658 007
Balloon Sculptures include but are not limited to Dog, Cat, Mouse, Rabbit, Giraffe, Elephant, Bird, Snake, Poodle, Flower, Sword, Bear, etc.
“Casper the Great Escaping Dove” only appears in STAND-Up & STAGE PRESENTATIONS, not during CLOSE UP or ROVING MAGIC.
For large audiences and outdoor performances, a microphone is required. Dazzling Dan will provide his own microphone system (free of charge). Dan’s microphone system is battery operated; however for longer visits it requires a power point.
Dazzling Dan the Magic Man is based in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
Travel fees are variable and included in the final fee quoted.
AGENTS: Dazzling Dan is an independent professional magician. He has no contractual obligation with any booking agents. Occasionally Dan will be employed by third parties (agents, event managers, etc.) to enhance their events. A single booking fee is paid to the third party for their service.
Correspondence can be mailed to: Dazzling Dan the Magic Man, PO BOX 3004, Waurn Ponds, Victoria 3216
Dan can be contacted on his mobile between 8:00am and 8:00pm daily on 0417 165 408. If he is performing please leave a message. Alternatively,click here to send an enquiry.