Comedy Magic Show

In the show Dazzling Dan produces a live dove and invites the audience to participate. Classic effects featured in Dazzling Dan’s act include the Chinese linking rings, producing colourful silk scarves and miracles with playing cards. The props are big and Dan wears a microphone so his voice is loud and clear, perfect for entertaining a few residents or a whole room. The presentation is such that the audience is gathered (or seated) to watch.

The entire magic show is 45 minutes in length and the fee is fixed, so any number of people can attend, including the family of residents and visiting groups from other facilities.

Close-up Illusion

Dazzling Dan roves among the residents and performs magic right under their nose! Coins vanish and playing cards change in their hands! The audience not only watch, but are part of the magic! This presentation is great for open days, or during a “special occasion” where many activities are happening at once. For example a “Circus Carnival” themed day.

Magic Package

Booking Dazzling Dan by the hour, provides the opportunity to combine magic shows with roving magic and schedule it to fit your program.

For example, you may require 1hour of roving magic, followed by a 30min show, or multiple shows with roving in between. This format is suitable for longer events like family open days, special occasions and community events.

Fees are charged on an hourly rate.

What our customers say

Thanks for the great party today Dan, the kids had a great time!

Stephanie (Murphy’s Mum)